2008年 NEJM發表了一篇關於PCI with DES VS CABG 的研究,實驗終點包括死亡、死亡或心肌梗塞、重複
疏通血管...等不良結果,並且依據基礎危險因子來做調整,和塗藥支架相比,冠狀動脈繞道在2 條或3 條血管疾病的患者,皆有較低的18 個月死亡或心肌梗塞率。3 條血管疾病而接受繞道手術的患者,調整後的死亡hazard ratio 為0.80(95% 信賴區間, 0.65~0.97);存活率為94% 對92.7%( p=0.03);死亡或心肌梗塞hazard ratio 為0.75(95% 信賴區間, 0.63~0.89);沒有心肌梗塞的存活率為92.1% 對89.7%(p<0.001)。2 條血管疾病而接受繞道手術的患者,調整後的死亡hazard ratio 為0.71(95% 信賴區間, 0.57~0.89);存活率為96% 對94.6%(p=0.003);死亡或心肌梗塞hazard ratio 為0.71(95% 信賴區間, 0.59~0.87);沒有心肌梗塞的存活率為94.5% 對92.5%(p<0.001)。接受冠狀動脈繞道手術的患者也有較低的重複疏通血管率(repeat revascularization)。結論:對多冠狀動脈疾病的患者而言,繞道手術比塗藥支架有較低的死亡率,死亡或心肌梗塞以及重複疏通血管的比率也較低。 結果是CABG贏了PCI with DES,不過你以為這樣就結束了,死亡率贏不過,那就改主題---改研究生活品質及心絞痛改善情形囉!!!!今年2011 NEJM終於發表了一項大規模雙盲的實驗來比較CABG與PCI合併DES(塗藥支架)在生活品質的差異。
研究背景:之前研究呈現CABG相較於PCI (PTCA 或合併BMS)在心絞痛及生活品質有較大的改善。但對於PCI合 併DES(塗藥支架)在生活品質上並不清楚,因此才會有此篇的研究。
研究方法: 大規模雙盲的實驗共涵蓋1800位診斷TVD或左主幹動脈疾病患者,隨機分配置CABG組(897人)或 PCI with Paclitaxel-eluting stents (DES)(Taxus Express,Boston Scientific)(903人),健康相關生活品質在一收案,1個月,6個月,12個月被評估,使用的研究工具包含兩種 (1)Seattle Angina Questionnaire (SAQ)-西雅圖心絞痛調查問卷 及 (2)Study 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36)生活品質量表。主要實驗終點是SAQ分數(範圍0-100,分數越高代表越好的健康狀態)。
The Seattle Angina Questionnaire (SAQ) is a 19-item questionnaire that measures five domains of health status related to coronary artery disease: angina frequency, physical limitations, quality of life, angina stability, and treatment satisfaction.Scores range from 0 to 100, with higher scores indicating fewer symptoms and better health status。(19個題目的量表,分數越高,代表症狀少及好的健康狀態)。
The Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36) evaluates eight dimensions of health: physical functioning, role limitations due to physical problems, bodily pain, vitality, general health perception, social function, role limitations due to emotional problems, and mental health. Scores for each domain range from 0 to 100, with higher scores indicating better health status. The SF-36 also provides summary scales for overall physical and mental health with the use of norm-based methods that standardize the scores to a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 10 (higher scores indicate better health status)(生活品質量表,8個次量表,每個次量表分數從0至 100,分數越高代表較佳健康狀態)。
The European Quality of Life–5 Dimensions (EQ-5D) is a five-item instrument that assesses mobility, self-care, usual activity, pain or discomfort, and anxiety or depression. For this study, individual domain scores were converted to a summary index representing utility weights for the U.S. population, as described previously.Utility weights are measures of a person’s strength of preference for his or her state of health on the basis of a scale from 0 to 1, where 0
represents the worst possible health state (usually death) and 1 represents ideal health.(五個項目的次量表,每個次量表的分數轉化為一個綜合指數分數,代表著實用加權值;此實用加權值是個人對於自己的健康狀態做出喜好的選擇,0代表差的健康狀態,1代表理想的健康狀態。
結果: SAQ angina-frequency score(心絞痛發作頻率),臨床上有意義的差異至少要8-10分,由圖可知無論是DES或CABG組,心絞痛發作情況在1,6,12個月都較BASELINE改善,而在第6個月及12個月CABG都較DES較佳。(Angina frequency was assessed with the use of the SAQ angina-frequency subscale. A score of 0 to 30 indicates daily angina, 40 to 60 weekly angina, 70 to 90 monthly angina, and 100 no angina)
Substantial improvement (%)(實質改善百分比)--只要SAQ angina-frequency score較BASELINE增加20分以上都可算是實質改善。CABG與DES組並無統計上的差異。
Freedom from angina(%)(無心絞痛發作比例)--在第12個月CABG無心絞痛發作比例較DES佳,其他時間無統 計上差異。下圖的表就可以看得比較清楚囉!!!!!
結果: DES組在SAQ的次量表分數(除angina frequency)及SF-36的次量表分數較CBAG組高(僅在第一個月),第一個月後兩組的品質次量表分數都差不多。
結論: 在TVD或左主幹動脈疾病的病人,無論是CABG或是DES在第一年追蹤下心絞痛及整體健康狀態都能顯著改善,在第6及12個月,CABG較PCI有較佳的心絞痛改善情形,儘管差異較小。CABG顯示的效益,會被DES所呈現快速恢復短期健康狀態所低消。