目前分類:身體評估影片 (6)

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Assistant Professor Lynn Kosowicz performs the ultimate task of integrating all subspecialty techniques into one complete examination. Each system is highlighted in a distinct yet holistic manner. Careful selection of salient maneuvers are highlighted to yield key information that one might employ in a generalist assessment. We are reminded that physical examination is usually focused or directed based on a careful history.


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Professor Anne Parke demonstrates a thorough musculoskeletal exam including general inspection, active and passive movements and range of motion. Areas of common pathology are examined in depth and are supplemented with images of typical disease processes.

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呼吸系統是大家在臨床上最常去評估的項目~~~~ 了解評估內容及正確的步驟是很重要的!!另外異常的呼吸判讀也很重要喔~~


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心臟系統是身體最重要的器官系統之一, 主宰了所有血液及養分的供應與輸送!因此對於心臟系統要做全盤的了解與認識,無論視聽扣


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臨床上除了history taking外,最重要的就是physical exam, 好的PE對於臨床診斷是非常重要的~~


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