

像也沒甚麼不一樣,臨床PE,病史詢問,...........好像一般地RN都可以做的, 或許NP目前的角色會被歸於resident的功能取向,但NP應

該有自己的一套訓練方式 ,自己的思想信仰,這些都是需要在學校教育中去培養的,像台灣就是半路出家,並未像美國一項接受正規NP




There are over 125,000 nurse practitioners (NPs) practicing in the United States.(till 2007)

  NP Facts**
• Approximately 6,000 new NPs are prepared each year
• 88% of NPs have graduate degrees(研究所學歷喔)

• 92% of NPs maintain national certification
• 39% of NPs hold hospital privileges; 13% have long term care privileges
• 96.5% of NPs prescribe medications and write an average of 19 prescriptions/day(96.5%可開處方,平均每天開

• NPs hold prescriptive privilege in all 50 states, including controlled substances in all but 4
• NPs write over 513 million prescriptions annually
• The average full-time NP base salary is $81,060 across all specialties and settings

• Average full-time NP total income is $87,400(平均年收入87400美金, 約台幣260多萬~~~~)

 62% of NPs see three to four patients per hour; 12% see over five patients per hour
• 20% of NPs practice in rural or frontier settings
• 66% of NPs practice in at least one primary care site; 31% practice in at least one nonprimary
care site (such as inpatient, emergency, surgical, or specialty practice)
• Malpractice rates remain low; only 1.4% have been named as primary defendant in a
malpractice case(誤診比例低;誤診病患中只有1.4%為主要被告者)

 Average NP is female (94%) and 48 years old; she has been in practice for almost 9 years

as a family NP (41%)(美國NP還是以女性為主佔94%,平均48歲;有九年的家醫經驗佔41%)



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