目前分類:醫療學術文章 (40)

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介紹:缺血性腦中風是目前台灣地區最常見的腦中風型態,它主要是因大腦血管本身快速的阻塞或由心臟產生的栓子或近端大血管的血栓脫落而造成的腦栓塞。 血栓溶解劑如Streptokinase、Urokinase或組織胞漿素原活化劑(tissue plasminagen activator)已被證實可快速地將急性阻塞的部份動脈血管打通,對於心血管及週邊血管病變有很好的治療效果。 但因腦組織較脆弱,且腦細胞對於缺血的耐受時間很短,以上藥物並不適用。目前僅有美國的國家神經及中風疾病研究院(NINDS)於1995年發表的臨床試驗,發現在 急性缺血性中風發病三小時內 使用合成的組織胞漿素原活化劑(recombinant t-PA, Actilysea), 可增加中風康復的機會或降低殘障等級 。本國衛生署亦於2002年11月核可使用。由於本藥物若不當使用,容易造成腦出血或其他身體部位的出血進而威脅病人生命,故台灣腦中風學會集合國內專家共同討論本藥物之使用規範,以達安全使用本藥物治療之目的。


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l  Disease spectrum from asymptomatic deep vein thrombosis to massive pulmonary embolism causing immediate death.

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 Thyroid storm 甲狀腺風暴

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對於血中酸鹼不平衡也須找出其致病原因, 才能根本解決問題!!


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 Purpose of review
Hospitalization and mortality rates associated with heart failure are persistently high.

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頭部 CT 的判讀    

這個網站介紹了如何輕鬆看懂腦部電腦斷層,一次一各章節共16個章節,作者用深入淺出的方式解說,非常適合想學習如何看懂腦部 電腦斷層的人使用

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1.前言:  目前全世界對於循環輔助上運用最廣泛的機械 主要作用在於減少心室後負荷量善舒 張期心臟冠狀動脈灌注量,   加強心臟內膜下灌注血量


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Intra-abdominal infections are an important cause of morbidity and mortality in the intensive care unit (ICU). Peritonitis can be classified as primary, secondary, or tertiary, the unique pathologic features reflecting the complex nature of the endogenous gut flora and the gut-associated immune system, and the alterations of these that occur in critical illness. Outcome is dependent on timely and accurate diagnosis, vigorous  resuscitation and antibiotic support, and decisive implementation of optimal source control measures, specifically the drainage of abscessesand collections of infected fluid, the debridement of necrotic infected tissue, and the use of definitive measures to prevent further contamination and to restore anatomy and function.Conclusions: Optimal management of intra-abdominal infection in the critically ill patient is based on the synthesis of evidence, an understanding of biologic principles, and clinical experience. An algorithm outlining a clinical approach to the ICU patient with complex intra-abdominal infection is presented.

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血液動力學監測對於加護單位的醫護人員來說是相當重要的,因此熟悉各式監測工具的判讀也變的相當重要. 此簡報檔內容包含例行的 A-line,CVP 及 PiCCO,Swan ganz數值所代表的意義,遇到trouble shooting時該怎樣解,同時對於波形有做一番地解說!!


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 介紹了血液成分-血球.血漿.冷凍沉澱品.血小板........等, 還有相關輸血規範!!

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The cascade of events that results in rhabdomyolysis begins with muscle injury secondary to a variety of causes. The quickest way to prevent the potentially life-threatening complications from this muscle disintegration is early and generous hydration. The precipitating event is usually evident from the patient's history. The differential diagnosis is best approached by categorizing the etiologic variables. The clinical features, however, are nonspecific. The large spectrum of presentation spans a continuum from asymptomatic myoglobinemia to renal failure. Rapid recognition and treatment of rhabdomyolysis are essential for a positive outcome

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ACC/AHA在2008年的著作委員會議中修正 成人STEMI/NSTEMI執行措施(performance measures)


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來 自Lancet 2008 的一篇評論性文章


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這是一篇非常好的一篇回顧性文章,主要是介紹在開刀房或在加護單位常用的propofol藥品引起罕見的propofol infusion syndrome(PRIS)併發症,由其是此藥不應長期使用(大於48小時) 且 避免高劑量(大於4 mg/kg/h).因此在神經外科加護單位的醫護人員應該特別注意此症候群常見的特徵:代謝性酸中毒.橫紋肌溶解症(骨骼肌和心肌).心律不整.心肌衰竭.腎衰竭.肝腫大及高血脂.

摘要:  Propofol (2. 6-diisopropylphenol) is a potent intravenous hypnotic agent that is

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