
l  Disease spectrum from asymptomatic deep vein thrombosis to massive pulmonary embolism causing immediate death.

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 Thyroid storm 甲狀腺風暴

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對於血中酸鹼不平衡也須找出其致病原因, 才能根本解決問題!!


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 Recently an old female patient admitted to our hospital due to CHF and acute on CRF.Previously she ever accepted left hip replacement twice and bilateral knee replacemnt nearly 2 decades ago.Infection work-up was also performed.We excluded lung infection and UTI via a series of tests/lab but to gall bladder and left knee.At last we consider the infection source coming from left knee.According to PE,erythema and swollen of left knee was noted and arthrocentesis was performed post consultiing orthologist.Synovial analysis disclosed WBC greater than 50000/cumm with PMN predominantly(>75%) and sugar is lower(30mg/dl).This result is compatible with septic knee.Therefore I post up synovial fluid analysis to differentiate from different types of knee disease.


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Indications   1.Suspected CNS Infection : Meningitis /Encephalitis 2.Evaluate for Hemorrhagic CVA (Subarachnoid Hemorrhage): Hemorrhage suspected despite negative Head CT /Head CT not available 3.Diagnostic Chemistry Evaluation :CSF Gamma Globulin (Multiple Sclerosis) 4.CSF Dynamics :Spinal block diagnosis (Queckenstedt test) /Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus evaluation :Katzman infusion/Radionucleotide cisternography 5.CSF Cytology :Carcinomatous Meningitis /Lymphomatous Meningitis 6.Therapeutic lumbar puncture:Methotrexate infusion (CNS Leukemia)/ Amphotericin B infusion (fungal Meningitis)/ Removal of fluid to decrease Intracranial Pressure: Pseudotumor Cerebri /Headache associated with Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

Contraindications   1.Local infection at lumbar puncture site 2.Cerebral mass lesion (risk of herniation) :Large brain abscess/ Brain Tumor (especially posterior fossa)/ Subdural Hematoma /Intracranial Hemorrhage 3.Papilledema 4.Uncorrected Bleeding Disorder :Severe Thrombocytopenia

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