

The cascade of events that results in rhabdomyolysis begins with muscle injury secondary to a variety of causes. The quickest way to prevent the potentially life-threatening complications from this muscle disintegration is early and generous hydration. The precipitating event is usually evident from the patient's history. The differential diagnosis is best approached by categorizing the etiologic variables. The clinical features, however, are nonspecific. The large spectrum of presentation spans a continuum from asymptomatic myoglobinemia to renal failure. Rapid recognition and treatment of rhabdomyolysis are essential for a positive outcome

全文按此  取自台灣醫事檢驗學會

全文按此  取自JASN 2000

全文按此 取自American Family Fhysician  2002

全文按此   取自Crtical Care  2005   IF3.83

全文取自 取自Resident & Staff Physician 2007




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